Because we are Ukrainians

Life will be above death,
good will defeat all evil.
We will keep the faith in the heart,
we will keep humanity.
We are a nation of sincere, kind people
who are drowning in pain and blood, through the groans of
mothers and children, from cold steel.
We will go through hell, past fierce demons,
we will be invincible ...
Because we did not choose the right path, we followed the
And the devil is insidious, came with "
pulled to the bottom.
But no matter how much blood this devil drank...
Everything is useless,
because our souls are different.
Because our souls are born of love,
in the free world.
Because we will give our body and soul for our freedom every
minute. Every second.
Because we are Ukrainians.
God is with us.
The world is with us.
We will win


Written by Sofia Podolyan,
4th-year student of German Philology
May 2022


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